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Seeds of Eternity

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“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

Image result for eternityEternal. Think about it. The only reason that human beings even have the word is so that we can try to describe God. No one and nothing else can be characterized as eternal. It is completely illogical that we should even possess such a descriptor, yet the fact that we do bears witness to the eternity in our own hearts.

At the Creation, everything was very good. Reverence for our Creator held the throne of the human heart. But the advent of sin unseated God and replaced Him with self as god. It also prevented us from attaining the everlasting in this life [Genesis 2:9].

Yet in His mercy, God left the seed of eternity in each one of us. The deep of the eternity we were made for calls from within us to the deep of the eternal God who made us [Psalm 42:7]. That feeling that life is short. That wondering how our bodies age when our mind feels like we could live forever. But also the search for treasure, the desire to be justified, the need for  justice, the belief that certain things are right and others are wrong, and so much more–all of it testifying that we were designed by the Eternal and to live eternally.

And in His love, God revealed His eternal nature to us through His Word. So that we could understand where that hope both originates and culminates–in Him, the Eternal, alone.

Satan’s only goal is to completely disfigure any inclination toward the Eternal. If he can stop faith from taking root or growing… If he can trick the mind to accept that unfathomable means nonexistent… If he can dupe humanity into demanding morality while banishing the absolute authority on whom this righteousness rests… Then he can rob us of our eternity, like taking money from a sleeping bank teller.

Are you guarding your heart and mind from the wiles of the enemy [Proverbs 4:23; Philippians 4:7]? Better still, are you tending the seed of eternity in your heart? Or is it lying dormant?


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