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Reactant Pride and Doubt

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“And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.” Matthew 23:35-36

Image result for chemical reaction fireDespite the misguided works theology and even their love-of-self-and-therefore-hatred-toward-others lifestyle, how could these leaders become responsible for all of the righteous blood shed in the history of the world? Many would balk at the seeming unfairness of this Scripture. But look closer.

From Abel, the first person to be murdered–who was murdered at the hands of his own brother [Genesis 4:8-12; Hebrews 11:4]. To Zechariah, whose name means God remembers. An Old Testament prophet who brought his fellow-returning-exiles a message of hope and encouragement. Through Him, God proclaimed to Israel that her greatness was not past but was still to come in His and her future glory.

Jesus told them, All this will come upon this generation.

Yes, the religious leaders were guilty, just as we all are for our own sin. But Jesus is letting them know what the weight of their next choices would be. By crucifying Jesus, they would bring the guilt of all the murdered righteous men for all time to bear on their generation. Not that they would shoulder the guilt themselves, but that, by their hands and before their eyes, Jesus Himself would become the atoning sacrifice, bearing the guilt and shame of all of the murders of all time. And, of course we know today, not just the murders but for all sin for all time.

Scripture tells us that we are God’s children and coheirs with Christ–He is our brother, and, like Abel, our sins murdered Him on the cross. Knowing full well what we would do to Him, He stepped into our exile in the flesh, proclaiming in His person that God remembers us. God consciously keeps us in mind at all times and thinks on the goodness He has for us in Christ Jesus. And just like the message Zechariah proclaimed to Israel, our greatness is not past. Nothing that we have done or been in this life will ever compare with God’s future glory for those who are in Christ Jesus.

*Minds blown* And hopefully, hearts turned to God.

But as it happened and happens so often, the truth hardens the very hearts it was intended to soften. Like a chemical reaction, trace amounts of pride and doubt react in the presence of truth, often violently flaming up, resulting in a seared and hardened heart toward God.

Does God’s Word make you bristle? Has pride and doubt kept you from accepting His truth? Do you still long for His goodness? Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart, removing these reactants so that truth can take root and soften your heart toward God.


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